Quick IFU reconstruction

pyhetdex.het.reconstruct_ifu provides ways to reconstructs an IFU image from fiber extract frames (ReconstructedIFU) or fits images (QuickReconstructedIFU).

The latter is exposed via the reconstructIFU executable.


usage: reconstructIFU [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-l LDIST] [-r RDIST] [-s SCALE]
                    ifucen files [files ...]

Reconstruct the IFU image from a list of fits images.

positional arguments:
ifucen                Name of the IFUcen file
files                 The input images

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        Name of a file to output (default: reconstruct.fits)
-l LDIST, --ldist LDIST
                        Name of the distortion file for the left spectrograph;
                        at least one of 'ldist' or 'rdist' must be provided
                        (default: None)
-r RDIST, --rdist RDIST
                        Name of the distortion file for the right spectrograph
                        (default: None)
-s SCALE, --scale SCALE
                        Scale of the pixels in the reconstructed image
                        (default: 0.3)

For each of the output file the following steps are performed:

  1. if present the BIASSEC is extracted and subtracted from the data;
  2. the dither number, channel and amplifier are extracted from the header;
  3. using the channel and amplifier information and the information for the correct distortion files, ldist and rdist some of the flux from each fiber;
  4. using the IFUcen file, the flux from each fiber is associated to the corresponding x/y position of the fiber head;
  5. after all the files has being exhausted, the flux from the dithers is added and the final image saved to outfile.