Source code for pyhetdex.coordinates.astrometry

# Misc python library to support HETDEX software and data analysis
# Copyright (C) 2016, 2017  "The HETDEX collaboration"
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
""" Astrometry module

Module to add astrometry to HETDEX catalgoues and images

.. moduleauthor:: Daniel Farrow <>

from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function)
import re
import os.path as op
import sys
import argparse
import astropy.units as units
from numpy import float64, fabs
from import getheader, getdata, PrimaryHDU
from astropy.table import Table, vstack, hstack
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, FK5
import as rc
from pyhetdex.het.fplane import FPlane
from pyhetdex.coordinates.tangent_projection import TangentPlane

# common parts of the argument parser
astro_parent = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
_group_astro = astro_parent.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
_group_astro.add_argument('--astrometry', nargs=3, type=float64,
                          help='''RA DEC and PA of the focal plane center
_group_astro.add_argument('--image', help='''An image, with a header to grab
                          ra, dec and PA from (DONT USE THIS)''')

[docs]def ihmp_astrometry(opts, xscale=1.0, yscale=1.0): """ Set up a tangent plane projection from parsed command line arguments from ArgParse Parameters ---------- opts : command line options, either 'image' for a fits file with TELRA, TELDEC, PARANGLE, MJD or and 'astrometry' option to manually specify coordinates xscale, yscale : float number of arcseconds per pixel for the WCS header created (default 1,1) Returns ------- tp : pyhetdex.coordinates.tangent_projection.TangentPlane tangent plane object to use for astrometry """ if opts.image: raise Exception("Don't use this option, the header values aren't" " accurate enough") # Set up astrometry using the values in the header print("Reading header values from {:s}".format(opts.image)) head = getheader(opts.image) rastr = head['TELRA'] decstr = head['TELDEC'] # empirical offset between PARANGLE and rotation pa = head['PARANGLE'] + 1.6 # convert from local equinox to J2000 equinox = 2016 + (head['MJD'] - 57388)/365.24 gc = SkyCoord(rastr, decstr, unit=(units.hourangle, units.deg), frame='fk5', equinox='J{:0.4f}'.format(equinox)) s = gc.transform_to(FK5(equinox='J2000.0')) # From Majo (with a bit of tweaking) TELRA = 0.002414529 # 0.0018589733 TELDEC = -0.00307875 # -0.0033565244 print(s.ra.deg + TELRA, s.dec.deg + TELDEC, pa) tp = TangentPlane(s.ra.deg + TELRA, s.dec.deg + TELDEC, pa, x_scale=xscale, y_scale=yscale) else: # Carry out required changes to astrometry rot = 360.0 - (opts.astrometry[2] + 90.) # Set up astrometry from user supplied options tp = TangentPlane(opts.astrometry[0], opts.astrometry[1], rot) return tp
[docs]def ra_dec_to_xy(ra, dec, fplane, tp): """Given ras and a decs, return a table of x, y of the nearest IFU, x and y in the focal plane and IFU slot of nearest IFU Parameters ---------- ra, dec : float arrays ra and dec on objects in decmal degrees fplane : pyhetdex.het.fplane:FPlane class an instance of the focal plane class tp : pyhetdex.coordinates.tangent_projection:TangentPlane a tangent plane that converts ra, dec to the appropriate x,y in axes aligned with the IFU axes Returns ------- table : astropy.table:Table an astropy table containing the positions in the IFUs """ """ Get x, y in arcseconds in the focal plane (using the IFU coordinates, i.e. flipped wrt to the fplane file) """ x, y = tp.raDec2xy(ra, dec) # fill in output with dummy values table = Table([[999.0]*len(ra), [999.0]*len(ra), [999]*len(ra)], names=['xifu', 'yifu', 'ifuslot']) # loop over IFUs computing coordinates for ifu in fplane.ifus: # remember to swap x and y for this (inverse of the x,y to ra, dec) xt = x - ifu.y yt = y - ifu.x # Find out table if an object is in IFU (set this a bit larger to avoid # edge effects) indices = (fabs(x - ifu.y) < 30) & (fabs(y - ifu.x) < 30) (table['xifu'])[indices] = xt[indices] (table['yifu'])[indices] = yt[indices] (table['ifuslot'])[indices] = ifu.ifuslot return table
[docs]def add_ifu_xy(args=None): """Convert ra, dec to x, y in an IFU. Parameters ---------- args : list of strings, optional command line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Convert between ra, dec to IFU x, y. Note that currently anything within +/- 30 arcseconds of the IFU is output. If IFUs overlap the detection will only be output for one of them""", parents=[astro_parent, ]) parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help="A csv or fits file with ra and dec columns") parser.add_argument('fout', type=str, help="""A csv or fits file to output to (including extension: .fits or .csv)""") parser.add_argument('--ra-name', type=str, help="""The label of the ra column in the input""", default='ra') parser.add_argument('--dec-name', type=str, help="""The label of the dec column in the input""", default='dec') parser.add_argument('--fplane', default='fplane.txt', help='Focal plane file') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # Verify user input if not (opts.image or opts.astrometry): print("""Error: Either pass an image with TELRA, TELDEC, PARANGLE and MJD in the header, or manually specify raccen, deccen and PA with the astrometry option""") sys.exit(1) # set up astrometry fplane = FPlane(opts.fplane) tp = ihmp_astrometry(opts) # read in catalogue table_in = ra = table_in[opts.ra_name] dec = table_in[opts.dec_name] # find positions table_out = ra_dec_to_xy(ra, dec, fplane, tp) # save data table_final = hstack([table_in, table_out]) table_final.write(opts.fout)
[docs]def xy_to_ra_dec(args=None): """ Convert between x y within an IFU and ra, dec Parameters ---------- args : list of strings, optional command line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert between in-IFU x, y" " and on-sky ra, dec.", parents=[astro_parent, ]) parser.add_argument('pos', type=float64, nargs=2, help="""Position in IFU (w.r.t. to IFU position in fplane file, i.e. the IFU center)""") parser.add_argument('--fplane', default='fplane.txt', help='Focal plane file') # astrometry options # IHMP identification parser.add_argument('--ihmp', nargs=1, help='IFU slot of desired IFU') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # Verify user input if not (opts.image or opts.astrometry): print("""Error: Either pass an image with TELRA, TELDEC, PARANGLE and MJD in the header, or manually specify raccen, deccen and PA with the astrometry option""") sys.exit(1) fplane = FPlane(opts.fplane) tp = ihmp_astrometry(opts) ifu = fplane.by_ifuslot(opts.ihmp[0]) # remember to flip x,y xfp = opts.pos[0] + ifu.y yfp = opts.pos[1] + ifu.x ra, dec = tp.xy2raDec(xfp, yfp) print("{:9.6f} {:9.6f}".format(float64(ra), float64(dec)))
[docs]def add_ra_dec(args=None): """Add ra, dec to detect, daophot catalogues and IFU cen files Parameters ---------- args : list of strings, optional command line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Add ra and dec to a detect or daophot ALLSTAR catalogues or an ifucen file.""", parents=[astro_parent, ]) parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help="List of files to add ra, dec to") parser.add_argument('--fplane', default='fplane.txt', help='Focal plane file') parser.add_argument('--fout', help='Filename to write to', default='catalogue_out.fits') parser.add_argument('--dx', type=float, default=0.0, help="Offset in arcseconds to apply " " to x axis of IFU coordinates (additive)") parser.add_argument('--dy', type=float, default=0.0, help="Offset in arcseconds to apply " " to y axis of IFU coordinates (additive)") parser.add_argument('--ftype', default='line_detect', nargs=1, help='''Type of input catalogue, to add ra and dec to. Options: line_detect, cont_detect, daophot_allstar, ifucen''') # IHMP identification group_ihmp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_ihmp.add_argument('--ihmps', nargs='+', help='List of IFU slots') group_ihmp.add_argument('--ihmp-regex', help='''Regex with 1 match group corresponding to IFU slot''') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # Verify user input if not (opts.image or opts.astrometry): print("""Error: Either pass an image with TELRA, TELDEC, PARANGLE and MJD in the header, or manually specify raccen, deccen and PA with the astrometry option""") sys.exit(1) # Create IHMP/IFU slot list if opts.ihmps: ihmp_list = opts.ihmps if len(ihmp_list) != len(opts.files): msg = "Error: You passed {:d} files but {:d} IFU slots" print(msg.format(len(opts.files, opts.ihmp))) sys.exit(1) elif opts.ihmp_regex: # work out the IFU slot from the file name ihmp_list = [] for fn in opts.files: try: match =, fn) except re.error: print("Error: Problem with the supplied ihmp-regex") raise if not match: msg = "Error: Regex found no matches for file {} with regex {}" print(msg.format(fn, opts.ihmp_regex)) sys.exit(1) ihmp_list.append( else: print("""Error: Please specify IFU slots manually for each file with --ihmp, or give a regex with which to extract the IFU slot from the filename with ---regex-ihmp""") sys.exit(1) fplane = FPlane(opts.fplane) tp = ihmp_astrometry(opts) if 'line_detect' in opts.ftype: read_func = rc.read_line_detect elif 'cont_detect' in opts.ftype: read_func = rc.read_cont_detect elif 'daophot_allstar' in opts.ftype: read_func = rc.read_daophot elif 'ifucen' in opts.ftype: read_func = rc.read_ifu_cen_wrapper else: print("Error: unrecognised ftype option. Please choose line_detect," " cont_detect or daophot_allstar") sys.exit(1) # Loop over the files, adding ra, dec tables = [] for fn, ihmp in zip(opts.files, ihmp_list): x, y, table = read_func(fn) # skip empty tables if len(x) < 1: continue ifu = fplane.by_ifuslot(ihmp) # remember to flip x,y xfp = x + ifu.y + opts.dx yfp = y + ifu.x + opts.dy ra, dec = tp.xy2raDec(xfp, yfp) table['ra'] = ra table['dec'] = dec table['ifuslot'] = ihmp table['xfplane'] = xfp table['yfplane'] = yfp tables.append(table) if len(tables) < 1: print("Error: No entries in catalogue(s)") sys.exit(1) # output the combined table table_out = vstack(tables) print("Writing output to {:s}".format(opts.fout)) # annoyingly have to specify comment variable for the write method for csv # output, but such a variable breaks the fits output! extn = op.splitext(opts.fout)[1] if extn == '.csv': table_out.write(opts.fout, comment='#') elif extn == '.txt': table_out.write(opts.fout, format='ascii') else: table_out.write(opts.fout)
[docs]def add_wcs(args=None): """Add WCS to fits file Parameters ---------- args : list of strings, optional command line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Add WCS header to a fits file.""", parents=[astro_parent, ]) parser.add_argument('file', help="Fits file to add WCS to") parser.add_argument('ihmp', help='The IFU slot of the image') parser.add_argument('--fplane', default='fplane.txt', help='Focal plane file') group_out = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_out.add_argument('--fout', help='Name of output file', default=None) group_out.add_argument('--pre', help='Prefix to append to output', default='wcs.') # astrometry options parser.add_argument('--imscale', default=1.0, help='Number of arcseconds per pixel') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # Verify user input if not (opts.image or opts.astrometry): print("""Error: Either pass an image with TELRA, TELDEC, PARANGLE and MJD in the header, or manually specify raccen, deccen and PA with the astro option""") sys.exit(1) # work out the name of the output file if opts.fout: fout = opts.fout else: path, name = op.split(opts.file) fout = op.join(path, opts.pre + name) # set up astrometry fplane = FPlane(opts.fplane) tp = ihmp_astrometry(opts, xscale=opts.imscale, yscale=opts.imscale) # get x, y offset of IFU in pixels ifu = fplane.by_ifuslot(opts.ihmp) x = -(ifu.x - 24.5)/(tp.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]*3600.0) y = -(ifu.y - 24.5)/(tp.wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]*3600.0) # modify the tangent plane projection to be suitable for this IFU tp.wcs.wcs.crpix = [x, y] # open the image and write it out with the new header data, header = getdata(opts.file, header=True) header.extend(cards=tp.wcs.to_header()) hdu = PrimaryHDU(data, header) hdu.writeto(fout)