Source code for pyhetdex.het.dither

# Misc python library to support HETDEX software and data analysis
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016  "The HETDEX collaboration"
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Parse or create a dither file.

Create a dither file with :class:`DitherCreator` or :func:`create_dither_file`.

Fake an empty dither (:class:`EmptyDither`) or parse a dither file like the
following (:class:`ParseDither`) ::

    # basename          modelbase           ditherx dithery seeing norm airmass
    SIMDEX-obs-1_D1_046 SIMDEX-obs-1_D1_046   0.00   0.00    1.60  1.00  1.22
    SIMDEX-obs-1_D2_046 SIMDEX-obs-1_D2_046   0.61   1.07    1.60  1.00  1.22
    SIMDEX-obs-1_D3_046 SIMDEX-obs-1_D3_046   1.23   0.00    1.60  1.00  1.22

The :func:`create_dither_file` function is exposed via the ``dither_file``
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import itertools as it
import re
import operator
import os
import sys

from import fits
from numpy import array
from six.moves import zip

from pyhetdex.het.fplane import FPlane
import pyhetdex.het.telescope as tel
import as ft

[docs]class DitherParseError(ValueError): "Custom error" pass
[docs]class DitherCreationError(ValueError): "Raised when something fails while creating the dither file" pass
[docs]class DitherPositionError(RuntimeError): """Fail to parse the ditherpos file""" pass
# read and parse the dither file
[docs]class _BaseDither(object): """Base class for the dither object. Just defines the common public variables Attributes ---------- basename : dictionary basenames of the dither files; key : dither; value: basename dx, dy : dictionaries dither relative x and y position; key : dither; value: dx, dy seeing : dictionary dither image quality; key dither; value : image quality norm : dictionary relative flux normalisation among dithers; key dither; value : normalisation airmass : dictionary dither airmass; key dither; value : airmass """ def __init__(self): # common prefix of the L and R file names of the dither self.basename = {} # delta x and y of the dithers self.dx, self.dy = {}, {} # image quality, illumination and airmass self.seeing, self.norm, self.airmass = {}, {}, {} # remember the dither file name self._absfname = '' @property def dithers(self): """ List of dithers """ return list(self.basename.keys()) @property def absfname(self): """Absolute file name""" return self._absfname @property def abspath(self): """ Absolute file path """ return os.path.split(self.absfname)[0] @property def filename(self): """ Absolute file path """ return os.path.split(self.absfname)[1]
[docs]class EmptyDither(_BaseDither): """Creates a dither object with only one entry. The dither key is **D1**, ``basename`` and ``absfname`` are left empty, ``dx`` and ``dy`` are set to 0 and image quality, illumination and airmass are set to 1. It is provided as a stub dither object in case the real one does not exists. """ def __init__(self): super(EmptyDither, self).__init__() self._no_dither()
[docs] def _no_dither(self): "Fake a single dither" _d = "D1" self.basename[_d] = "" self.dx[_d] = 0. self.dy[_d] = 0. self.seeing[_d] = 1. self.norm[_d] = 1. self.airmass[_d] = 1.
[docs]class ParseDither(_BaseDither): """ Parse the dither file and store the information in dictionaries with the string ``Di``, with i=1,2,3, as key Parameters ---------- dither_file : string file containing the dither relative position. Raises ------ DitherParseError if the key ``Di`` is not found in the base name """ def __init__(self, dither_file): super(ParseDither, self).__init__() self._absfname = os.path.abspath(dither_file) self._read_dither(dither_file)
[docs] def _read_dither(self, dither_file): """ Read the relative dither position Parameters ---------- dither_file : string file containing the dither relative position. If None a single dither added """ with open(dither_file, 'r') as f: f = ft.skip_comments(f) for l in f: try: _bn, _d, _x, _y, _seeing, _norm, _airmass = l.split() except ValueError: # skip empty or incomplete lines pass try: _d = list(set(re.findall(r'D\d', _d)))[0] except IndexError: msg = "While extracting the dither number from the" msg += " basename in the dither file, {} matches to" msg += " 'D\\d' expression where found. I expected" msg += " one. What should I do?" raise DitherParseError(msg.format(len(_d))) self.basename[_d] = _bn self.dx[_d] = float(_x) self.dy[_d] = float(_y) self.seeing[_d] = float(_seeing) self.norm[_d] = float(_norm) self.airmass[_d] = float(_airmass)
[docs]class DitherCreator(object): """Class to create dither files Initialize the dither file creator for this shot Read in the locations of the dithers for each IFU from dither_positions. Parameters ---------- fplane_file : str path the focal plane file; it is parsed using :class:`~pyhetdex.het.fplane.FPlane` shot : :class:`pyhetdex.het.telescope.Shot` instance a ``shot`` instance that contains info on the image quality and normalization dither_positions : list of lists, optional list of lists with 2*n+1 elements: the first element is the ``id_``, used in, e.g., :meth:`create_dither`, then there are the n x-positions of the dithers and finally their n y-positions Attributes ---------- ifu_dxs, ifu_dys : dictionaries key: ihmpid; key: x and y shifts for the dithers shot : :class:`pyhetdex.het.telescope.Shot` instance fplane : :class:`~pyhetdex.het.fplane.FPlane` instance Raises ------ DitherPositionError if the number of x and y dither shifts for one id does not match """ def __init__(self, fplane_file, shot, dither_positions=[['000', 0.000, -1.270, -1.270, 0.000, 0.730, -0.730], ]): self.ifu_dxs = {} self.ifu_dys = {} self.shot = shot self.fplane = FPlane(fplane_file) self._store_dither_positions(dither_positions)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, fplane_file, shot, dither_positions_file): """Create an instance of the class reading the dither positions from a file. Parameters ---------- fplane_file : str path the focal plane file; it is parsed using :class:`~pyhetdex.het.fplane.FPlane` shot : :class:`pyhetdex.het.telescope.Shot` instance a ``shot`` instance that contains info on the image quality and normalization dither_positions_file : str path to file containing the positions of the dithers for each IHMPID; the file must have the following format:: ihmpid x1 x2 ... xn y1 y2 ... yn """ dither_positions = [] with open(dither_positions_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: els = line.strip().split() if '#' in els[0]: continue else: dither_positions.append(els) return cls(fplane_file, shot, dither_positions=dither_positions)
[docs] def _store_dither_positions(self, dither_positions): '''Store the dither positions into the ``ifu_dxs`` and ``ifu_dys`` dictionaries''' for dp in dither_positions: key = dp[0] if len(dp[1:]) % 2 == 1: msg = ("The line '{}' has a miss-matching" " number of x and y entries") raise DitherPositionError(msg.format(dp)) else: n_x = len(dp[1:]) // 2 self.ifu_dxs[key] = array(dp[1:n_x + 1], dtype=float) self.ifu_dys[key] = array(dp[n_x + 1:], dtype=float)
[docs] def dxs(self, id_, idtype='ifuslot'): """Returns the x shifts for the given ``id_`` Parameters ---------- id_ : str the id of the IFU idtype : str, optional type of the id; must be one of ``'ifuid'``, ``'ihmpid'``, ``'specid'`` Returns ------- ndarray x shifts """ ifu = self.fplane.by_id(id_, idtype=idtype) return self.ifu_dxs[ifu.ifuslot]
[docs] def dys(self, id_, idtype='ifuslot'): """Returns the y shifts for the given ``id_`` Parameters ---------- id_ : str the id of the IFU idtype : str, optional type of the id; must be one of ``'ifuid'``, ``'ihmpid'``, ``'specid'`` Returns ------- ndarray y shifts """ ifu = self.fplane.by_id(id_, idtype=idtype) return self.ifu_dys[ifu.ifuslot]
[docs] def create_dither(self, id_, basenames, modelbases, outfile, idtype='ifuid'): """ Create a dither file Parameters ---------- id_ : str the id of the IFU basenames, modelnames : list of strings the root of the file and model (distortion, fiber etc); their lengths must be the same as :attr:`ifu_dxs` outfile : str the output filename idtype : str, optional type of the id; must be one of ``'ifuid'``, ``'ifuslot'``, ``'specid'`` """ ifu = self.fplane.by_id(id_, idtype=idtype) dxs = self.dxs(id_, idtype=idtype) dys = self.dys(id_, idtype=idtype) if len(basenames) != len(dxs): msg = ("The number of elements in 'basenames' ({}) doesn't agree" " with the expected number of dithers" " ({})".format(len(basenames), len(dxs))) raise DitherCreationError(msg) if len(modelbases) != len(dxs): msg = ("The number of elements in 'modelbases' ({}) doesn't agree" " with the expected number of dithers" " ({})".format(len(modelbases), len(dxs))) raise DitherCreationError(msg) s = "# basename modelbase ditherx dithery\ seeing norm airmass\n" line = "{:s} {:s} {:f} {:f} {:4.3f} {:5.4f} {:5.4f}\n" for dither, bn, mb, dx, dy in zip(it.count(start=1), basenames, modelbases, dxs, dys): seeing = self.shot.fwhm(ifu.x, ifu.y, dither) norm = self.shot.normalisation(ifu.x, ifu.y, dither) # TODO replace with something airmass = 1.22 s += line.format(bn, mb, dx, dy, seeing, norm, airmass) with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(s)
[docs]def argument_parser(argv=None): """Parse the command line""" import argparse # Parse user input description = """Produce a dither file for the give id. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('id', help="id of the chosen IFU") parser.add_argument('fplane', help="The fplane file") parser.add_argument('basenames', help="""Basename(s) of the data files. The ``{dither}`` and ``{id}`` placeholders are replaced by the dither number and the provided id. E.g., if the ``id`` argument is ``001``, the string ``file_D{dither}_{id}`` is replaced, for the first dither, by file_D1_001. The placeholders don't have to be present. The number of files must be either one or as many as the number of dithers in the ``ditherpos`` file.""", nargs='+') parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help="""Name of a file to output. It accepts the same placeholders as ``basename``, but ``{dither}`` is the number of dithers""", default='dither_{id}.txt') parser.add_argument('-m', '--modelbases', help="""Basename(s) of the model files. It accepts that same place holders as ``basename``. The number of files must be either one or as many as the number of dithers in the ``ditherpos`` file.""", default=['masterflat_{id}', ], nargs='+') parser.add_argument('-t', '--id-type', help='Type of the id', choices=['ifuid', 'ifuslot', 'specid'], default='ifuslot') parser.add_argument('-s', '--shotdir', help="""Directory of the shot. If not provided use some sensible default value for image quality and normalisation. WARNING: at the moment not used""") parser.add_argument('--fwhm', type=float, help="""The FWHM of the shot in arcseconds (only for the constant FWHM model)""", default=1.6) parser.add_argument('-O', '--order-by', help="""If given, order the ``basenames`` files by the value of the header keyword '%(dest)s'""") parser.add_argument('--use-hetpupil', action='store_true', help='''Use $CUREBIN/hetpupil to get the relative illumination from the files passed via basename. The ``extension`` is used to have valid file names.''') parser.add_argument('-e', '--extension', help="""Extension appended to the base names to create valid file names""", default='_L.fits') ditherpos = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() ditherpos.add_argument('-d', '--ditherpos', help='''Dither postions''', type=float, nargs='+', default=[0.000, -1.270, -1.270, 0.000, 0.730, -0.730]) ditherpos.add_argument('-f', '--ditherpos-file', help='''Name of the file containing the dither shifts. The expected format is ``id x1 x2 ... xn y1 y2 ... yn``. Normally the ``id`` is ``ifuslot``. This option deactivate the ``ditherpos`` one''') return parser.parse_args(argv)
[docs]def create_dither_file(argv=None): """Function that creates the dither file Parameters ---------- argv : list of strings if not provided sys.argv is used """ args = argument_parser(argv=argv) # create the shot object shot = tel.Shot(fwhm_fallback=args.fwhm) # create the dither if args.ditherpos_file: dithers = DitherCreator.from_file(args.fplane, shot, args.ditherpos_file) else: dpos = [, ] + args.ditherpos dithers = DitherCreator(args.fplane, shot, dither_positions=[dpos, ]) n_dithers = len(dithers.dxs(, idtype=args.id_type)) if not check_dithers(n_dithers, args.basenames, args.modelbases): print("The number of basenames and modelbases must be either one or" " the number of dithers in the ditherpos file", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) basenames = format_names(args.basenames, n_dithers, modelbases = format_names(args.modelbases, n_dithers, if args.order_by: basenames = sort_basenames(basenames, args.extension, args.order_by) if args.use_hetpupil: hp_model = tel.HetpupilModel([b + args.extension for b in basenames]) dithers.shot.illumination_model = hp_model dithers.create_dither(, basenames, modelbases, args.outfile.format(, dither=n_dithers), idtype=args.id_type)
[docs]def check_dithers(n_dithers, basenames, modelbases): """Check that the number of base names and model base names are either one or the number of dithers Parameters ---------- n_dithers : int number of dithers basenames, modelbases : list of strings list of bases for the file names Returns ------- bool ``True`` is the check passed, ``False`` otherwise """ ok_basenames = len(basenames) in [1, n_dithers] ok_modelbases = len(modelbases) in [1, n_dithers] return ok_basenames and ok_modelbases
[docs]def format_names(names, n_dithers, id_): """Expand and format the names. If there is only one name, replicate it len(dxs) times, then format the names using the dither number and the ``id_``. Parameters ---------- names : list of strings name to format n_dithers : integer number of dithers Returns ------- out_names : list of strings list of length ``n_dithers`` containing formatted names """ if len(names) == 1: names = [names[0] for _ in range(n_dithers)] out_names = [] for i, name in enumerate(names): out_names.append(name.format(id=id_, dither=i+1)) return out_names
[docs]def sort_basenames(basenames, extension, headerkey): """For each ``basenames[i]+extension`` extract the ``headerkey`` and sort basenames according to the key value Parameters ---------- basenames : list of string list of basenames extension : list add to each basename to build a file name headerkey : string name of the header key containing the values to use for sorting Returns ------- sorted_basenames : list of strings basenames sorted according to the value of ``headerkey`` """ values = [fits.getval(bn + extension, headerkey, memmap=False) for bn in basenames] sorted_basenames = next(zip(*sorted(zip(basenames, values), key=operator.itemgetter(1)))) return sorted_basenames