Source code for pyhetdex.het.reconstruct_ifu

# Misc python library to support HETDEX software and data analysis
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017  "The HETDEX collaboration"
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Reconstruct the IFU

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import itertools as it
import os

import astropy
from import fits
import astropy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
from pkg_resources import parse_version

from import wavelength_to_index
from pyhetdex.het import ifu_centers, dither as dith
import pyhetdex.cure.distortion as distortion

[docs]class ReconstructError(Exception): """Generic reconstruction error""" pass
[docs]class ReconstructIndexError(ReconstructError, IndexError): """Error for miss-matching the number of fibers in the ifu center files and the fiber extracted ones"""
[docs]class ReconstructIOError(ReconstructError, IOError): """Error when the name and/or number fiber extracted file names is not correct""" pass
[docs]class ReconstructValueError(ReconstructError, ValueError): """Errors for wrong combinations of input parameters in :class:`~ReconstructedIFU` or :meth:`~ReconstructedIFU.from_files`""" pass
# TODO: account for illumination weights and fiber throughput
[docs]class ReconstructedIFU(object): r"""Reconstructed IFU head image from the fiber extracted frames given the ``ifu_center`` and the ``dither``. Parameters ---------- ifu_center : instance of :class:`~pyhetdex.het.ifu_centers.IFUCenter` fiber number to fiber position mapping dither : instance child of :class:`~pyhetdex.het.dither._BaseDither` dither relative position, illumination, image quality fextract : None or list of fits files, optional * if None the list of files is inferred from :attr:`dither.basename`; * if not None must have ``ndither`` x ``nchannels`` elements. The channel name and dither number are extracted from the ``CCDPOS`` and the ``DITHER`` header keywords fe_prefix : string, optional when getting the names from the dither file, prepend ``fe_prefix`` to the ``basename`` Attributes ---------- ifu_center dither x, y : 1-dimensional arrays x and y position of the fibers flux : list of 2-dimensional arrays each element is the content of one fiber extracted file header : list of dictionaries each element contains the ``CRVAL1`` and ``CDELT1`` keywords :value pairs from the headers of the fiber extracted files; used to determine the wavelength range in :meth:`~reconstruct` Raises ------ ReconstructValueError if an empty dither is passed and ``fextract`` is ``None`` ReconstructIOError if the number and/or number of fiber extracted frames is not correct; raised by :meth:`~_fedict` ReconstructIndexError if the number of fibers from the fiber extracted files and from the ifu center files do not match; raised by :meth:`~_reconstruct` """ def __init__(self, ifu_center, dither, fextract=None, fe_prefix=""): if isinstance(dither, dith.EmptyDither) and fextract is None: msg = "With an empty dither file a fiber extract file name must be" msg += " provided" raise ReconstructValueError(msg) self.ifu_center = ifu_center self.dither = dither # public attributes, filled in *_reconstruct* self.x, self.y = np.array([[], []], dtype=float) self.flux, self.header = [], [] self._fe_prefix = fe_prefix # the fiber extracted file names are saved into a dictionary with key # like: D1_L self._key = "{d}_{ch}" self._reconstruct(self._fedict(fextract))
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, ifu_center_file, dither_file=None, fextract=None, fe_prefix=""): """ Read and parse the file Parameters ---------- ifu_center_file : string file containing the fiber number to fiber position mapping dither_file : string, optional file containing the dither relative position. If not given, a singe dither is assumed fextract : None or list of fits files, optional if None the list of files is inferred from the second column of the ``dither_file``; if not None must have ``ndither`` x ``nchannels`` elements. The channel name and dither number are extracted from the ``CCDPOS`` and the ``DITHER`` header keywords fe_prefix : string, optional when getting the names from the dither file, prepend ``fe_prefix`` to the ``basename`` Raises ------ ReconstructValueError if both ``dither_file`` and ``fextract`` are ``None`` ReconstructValueError, ReconstructIOError as in :class:`~ReconstructedIFU` Notes ----- if ``dither_file`` is None, ``fextract`` must contain a number of files equal to the number of channels (2) """ if dither_file is None and fextract is None: msg = "dither_file and/or fextract must be provided" raise ReconstructValueError(msg) _ifu_center = ifu_centers.IFUCenter(ifu_center_file) if dither_file is None: _dither = dith.EmptyDither() else: _dither = dith.ParseDither(dither_file) return cls(_ifu_center, _dither, fextract=fextract, fe_prefix=fe_prefix)
[docs] def _fedict(self, fextract): """ Organize the fiber extracted file names into a dictionary Parameters ---------- fextract : None or list of string If None get the file names from the dither, otherwise from the *fextract* list Returns ------- dfextract : dict dictionary of fiber extracted frames """ channels = self.ifu_center.channels dithers = self.dither.dithers n_shots = len(channels) * len(dithers) dfextract = {} if fextract is None: # get the file names from the dither file fetemplate = os.path.join(self.dither.abspath, self._fe_prefix + "{bn}_{ch}.fits") for ch, (d, bn) in it.product(channels, self.dither.basename.items()): k = self._key.format(ch=ch, d=d) dfextract[k] = fetemplate.format(ch=ch, bn=bn) else: # the file names are provided if len(fextract) != n_shots: msg = "The number of fiber extracted files is different from" msg += " {} ({} channels and {} dithers)" raise ReconstructIOError(msg.format(n_shots, len(channels), len(dithers))) # as the fiber extracted files are ordered, pop elements. This way # makes sure that all the dithers and channels are represented all_keys = [self._key.format(d=d, ch=ch) for d in dithers for ch in channels] for fe in fextract: header = fits.getheader(fe) ch = header['CCDPOS'].strip() d = "D{0:d}".format(header['DITHER']) k = self._key.format(ch=ch, d=d) # check that the files are correct if k in dfextract: msg = "The file '{}' is for the same dither".format(fe) msg += " and channel as file '{}'".format(dfextract[k]) raise ReconstructIOError(msg) else: try: all_keys.remove(k) except ValueError: msg = ("The file '{}' is for an unknown combination of" " dither ({}) and channel ({}). One of {}" " expected".format(fe, d, ch, ", ".join(all_keys))) raise ReconstructIOError(msg) dfextract[k] = fe return dfextract
[docs] def _reconstruct(self, dfextract): """ Read the fiber extracted files and creates a set of three lists for x, y and flux. Parameters ---------- dfextract : dictionary name of the fiber extracted file """ for ch, d in it.product(self.ifu_center.channels, self.dither.dithers): # get the correct values of x and y self.x = np.concatenate([self.x, self.xpos(ch, d)]) self.y = np.concatenate([self.y, self.ypos(ch, d)]) # read the fiber extracted file, order the fibers and save the # necessary keys into self.h # python starts from 0 fib_numbs = [fn - 1 for fn in self.ifu_center.fib_number[ch]] k = self._key.format(ch=ch, d=d) with[k]) as hdu: h = hdu[0].header data = hdu[0].data # if the number of fiber from the fiber extracted file is # different from the number of fibers, something wrong if data.shape[0] != len(fib_numbs): msg = "The number of rows in file '{0}' ({1:d}) does not" msg += " agree with the number of active fibers from file" msg += " '{2}' ({3:d})" msg = msg.format(hdu.filename(), data.shape[0], self.ifu_center.filename, len(fib_numbs)) raise ReconstructIndexError(msg) self.flux.append(data[fib_numbs, :]) # order the fibers # get the header keywords needed to get the index at a given # wavelength self.header.append({k: h.get(k) for k in ["CRVAL1", "CDELT1"]})
[docs] def xpos(self, channel, dither): """get the position for the x *dither* in *channel* Parameters ---------- channel : string name of the channel [L, R] dither : string name of the dither [D1, D2, ..] Returns ------- ndarray x position of the fibers for the given channel and dither """ return np.array(self.ifu_center.xifu[channel]) + self.dither.dx[dither]
[docs] def ypos(self, channel, dither): """get the position for the y *dither* in *channel* Parameters ---------- channel : string name of the channel [L, R] dither : string name of the dither [D1, D2, ..] Returns ------- ndarray y position of the fibers for the given channel and dither """ return np.array(self.ifu_center.yifu[channel]) + self.dither.dy[dither]
[docs] def reconstruct(self, wmin=None, wmax=None): """ Returns the reconstructed IFU with the flux computed between [``wmin``, ``wmax``] Parameters ---------- wmin, wmax : float, optional min and max wavelength to use. If ``None``: use the min and/or max from the file Returns ------- x, y : 1d arrays x and y position of the fibers flux : 1d array flux of the fibers within ``wmin`` and ``wmax`` """ _flux = [] for f, h in zip(self.flux, self.header): _imin = wavelength_to_index(h, wmin) _imax = wavelength_to_index(h, wmax) _flux.append(f[:, _imin:_imax].sum(axis=1)) return self.x, self.y, np.concatenate(_flux)
[docs]class QuickReconstructedIFU(object): """Quick reconstructed IFU head image from a set of frames given the ``ifu_center`` and some reference distortion files. Parameters ---------- ifu_center : instance of :class:`~pyhetdex.het.ifu_centers.IFUCenter` fiber number to fiber position mapping files : string Basefilename of the image to be reconstructed, or a tuple of three images to reconstruct a complete dither. dist_l, dist_r : string Distortion file for the left and right spectrograph; at least one of them must be provided pixscale : float, optional pixel scale Attributes ---------- ifu_center : :class:`~pyhetdex.het.ifu_centers.IFUCenter` parsed ``ifu_center`` file dists : dict distortion files for ``'L'`` and ``'R'`` dx, dy : tuples relative shifts of the dithers pscale : float pixel scale img : 2d numpy array reconstructed image dmap : dict of dicts for each spectrograph, map a fiber number with its y value Raises ------ ReconstructValueError if an empty dither is passed and ``fextract`` is ``None`` ReconstructIOError if the number and/or number of fiber extracted frames is not correct; raised by :meth:`~_fedict` ReconstructIndexError if the number of fibers from the fiber extracted files and from the ifu center files do not match; raised by :meth:`~_reconstruct` """ def __init__(self, ifu_center, dist_l=None, dist_r=None, pixscale=0.25): self._specs = ['L', 'R'] self._dithers = [1, 2, 3] self.dists = {s: None for s in self._specs} self.dmap = {} self.dx = [0, -1.27, -1.27] self.dy = [0, 0.73, -0.73] self.x_idx = {} self.y_idx = {} self._pscale = pixscale self.isEmpty = True self._load_ifu_center(ifu_center) self._load_dists(dist_l, dist_r) self._create_dist_map() self._min_max() self._create_empty_image() self._create_dxdy()
[docs] def _load_ifu_center(self, ifu_center): '''Load the IFUcen file Parameters ---------- ifu_center : instance of :class:`~pyhetdex.het.ifu_centers.IFUCenter` fiber number to fiber position mapping ''' if not ifu_center: raise ReconstructValueError('An IFU center file is needed to' ' quickreconstruct an image') self.ifu_center = ifu_centers.IFUCenter(ifu_center)
[docs] def _load_dists(self, dist_l, dist_r): '''Load the distortion files into :attr:`dists` Parameters ---------- dist_l, dist_r : string Distortion file for the left and right spectrograph; at least one of them must be provided ''' if not dist_r and not dist_l: raise ReconstructValueError('A distortion is needed to' ' quickreconstruct an image') if dist_l: self.dists['L'] = distortion.Distortion(dist_l) if dist_r: self.dists['R'] = distortion.Distortion(dist_r)
[docs] def _create_dist_map(self): '''Load the distortion into :attr:`dmap`''' for spec in self._specs: D = self.dists[spec] if D: d = {} for f in self.ifu_center.fib_number[spec]: d[f-1] = D.map_xf_y(516,[f-1]) self.dmap[spec] = d
[docs] def _min_max(self): '''Compute the minimum and max x and y positions from the ifu center file and save them in :attr:`maxx`, :attr:`minx`, :attr:`maxy`, :attr:`miny`.''' self.maxx = (max((max(self.ifu_center.xifu['L']), max(self.ifu_center.xifu['R']))) + max(self.dx) + self.ifu_center.fiber_d/2.) self.minx = (min((min(self.ifu_center.xifu['L']), min(self.ifu_center.xifu['R']))) + min(self.dx) - self.ifu_center.fiber_d/2.) self.maxy = (max((max(self.ifu_center.yifu['L']), max(self.ifu_center.yifu['R']))) + max(self.dy) + self.ifu_center.fiber_d/2.) self.miny = (min((min(self.ifu_center.yifu['L']), min(self.ifu_center.yifu['R']))) + min(self.dy) - self.ifu_center.fiber_d/2.)
[docs] def _create_dxdy(self): '''Precompute the dx and dy shifts''' fr_2 = self.ifu_center.fiber_d ** 2 / 4. for spec in self._specs: self.x_idx[spec] = {} self.y_idx[spec] = {} fibs = np.array(self.ifu_center.fib_number[spec]) for dither in self._dithers: self.x_idx[spec][dither] = {} self.y_idx[spec][dither] = {} for f in fibs: self.x_idx[spec][dither][f] = [] self.y_idx[spec][dither][f] = [] it = np.nditer(self.img, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['readonly']) while not it.finished: px = self.minx + it.multi_index[0] * self.pscale py = self.miny + it.multi_index[1] * self.pscale xc = np.array(self.ifu_center.xifu[spec]) + \ self.dx[dither-1] yc = np.array(self.ifu_center.yifu[spec]) + \ self.dy[dither-1] dx = xc - px dy = yc - py dd = (dx*dx + dy*dy) for f in fibs[dd < fr_2]: self.x_idx[spec][dither][f].append(it.multi_index[0]) self.y_idx[spec][dither][f].append(it.multi_index[1]) it.iternext()
@property def pscale(self): """Pixel scale .. warning:: changing the pixel scale with invalidate the reconstructed image """ return self._pscale @pscale.setter def pscale(self, pixscale): self._pscale = pixscale self._create_empty_image()
[docs] def reconstruct(self, files, subtract_overscan=True, do_not_scale_image_data=False): """Read the files and create a reconstructed image. Parameters ---------- files : list name of the files to use subtract_overscan : bool If the overscan region is still present in the image, subtract the bias level, calculated from the overscan region of the image. do_not_scale_image_data : bool If True, image data is not scaled using BSCALE/BZERO values when read. Returns ------- img : nd-array reconstructed image; it is also stored in the :attr:`img` attribute """ ifuid = None self._create_empty_image() recon_img = self.img.copy() for img in files: # Loop over all input file f_offset = 0 # Python arrays start at 0, FITS files at 1... kwargs = dict(memmap=False, do_not_scale_image_data=do_not_scale_image_data) with, **kwargs) as hdu: h = hdu[0].header data = hdu[0].data.transpose() if not ifuid: ifuid = h['IFUID'] elif ifuid != h['IFUID']: print('WARNING: %s if from a different IFU, skipping it!') continue ccdpos = h['CCDPOS'] ccdhalf = h['CCDHALF'] D = self.dists[ccdpos] if not D: raise ReconstructValueError('No distortion given for ' + ccdpos + ' spectrograph') if h['NAXIS2'] < 1500: # Working on single images if ccdhalf == 'U': f_offset = 1032 # FIXME This should come from header if ccdpos == 'L' and ccdhalf == 'U': data = data[::-1, ::-1] if ccdpos == 'R' and ccdhalf == 'L': data = data[::-1, ::-1] if h['NAXIS1'] > 1032 and subtract_overscan: bias = self._get_overscan(data, h['BIASSEC']) data = data-bias dither = int(h.get('DITHER', self._dithers[0])) if dither not in self._dithers: dither = self._dithers[0] center_x = int(np.round(data.shape[0]/2)) for f in self.ifu_center.fib_number[ccdpos]: # fib = f+1 fy_f = self.dmap[ccdpos][f-1] - f_offset fy = int(fy_f) fy_d = fy_f - fy if fy < 0 or fy > data.shape[1]: continue # Take the 3 pixels around the centre of the fibre profile # and add the fractional part for the next pixel rows. # If the fibre centre would be in the middle of the central # pixel, 50% of each of the outer rows would be added. As # the centre is shifted with respect to the middle, the # relative percentages of the outer rows change # accordingly. flx = np.sum(data[center_x-20:center_x + 20, fy-1:fy+2]) + \ np.sum(data[center_x-20:center_x + 20, fy-2:fy-1]*(1.-fy_d)) + \ np.sum(data[center_x-20:center_x+20, fy+2:fy+3]*(fy_d)) if self.x_idx[ccdpos][dither][f] and \ self.y_idx[ccdpos][dither][f]: recon_img[[self.x_idx[ccdpos][dither][f], self.y_idx[ccdpos][dither][f]]] += flx recon_img = recon_img.transpose() self.img = recon_img.copy() self.isEmpty = False return recon_img
[docs] def write(self, filename): """Write the reconstructed image to file ``filename`` as using the fits format Parameters ---------- filename : string name of the output fits file """ if not self.isEmpty: if parse_version(astropy.__version__) < parse_version('1.3'): writeto_kwars = {'clobber': True} else: writeto_kwars = {'overwrite': True} outimg = fits.PrimaryHDU(self.img) outimg.writeto(filename, **writeto_kwars) else: raise ReconstructError("Make sure to run the ``reconstruct``" " method to create the image before saving" " it")
[docs] def _section_to_list(self, sec): """ Convert a header section string of the form [x1:x2,y1:y2] to a list of integers Parameters ---------- sec : str The header section string """ return [int(i) for i in sec.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''). replace(':', ',').split(',')]
[docs] def _get_overscan(self, img, biassec): r"""Extract the sigma clipped mean of the overscan region Parameters ---------- img : instance of :class:`numpy.array` Input image data biassec : list List or tuple with the ranges of the bias section. Use :func:_section_to_list to convert the header BIASSEC keyword to a python list """ biasreg = self._section_to_list(biassec) return np.mean(stats.sigma_clip(img[biasreg[0]:biasreg[1], ]))
[docs] def _create_empty_image(self): """Find the number of pixels x and y and create empty images""" nx = int((self.maxx - self.minx) / self.pscale) ny = int((self.maxy - self.miny) / self.pscale) self.img = np.zeros((nx, ny)) self.isEmpty = True
[docs]def argument_parser(argv=None): """Parse the command line""" import argparse # Parse user input description = """Reconstruct the IFU image from a list of fits images.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('ifucen', help="""Name of the IFUcen file""") parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help="""The input images""") parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help="""Name of a file to output""", default='reconstruct.fits') parser.add_argument('-l', '--ldist', help="""Name of the distortion file for the left spectrograph; at least one of '%(dest)s' or 'rdist' must be provided""") parser.add_argument('-r', '--rdist', help="""Name of the distortion file for the right spectrograph""") parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale', help="""Scale of the pixels in the reconstructed image""", default=0.3, type=float) return parser.parse_args(argv)
[docs]def create_quick_reconstruction(argv=None): """Entry point for the executable running the quick reconstruction of the IFU reconstruction image Parameters ---------- argv : list of strings if not provided sys.argv is used """ args = argument_parser(argv=argv) # create the shot object recon = QuickReconstructedIFU(args.ifucen, dist_r=args.rdist, dist_l=args.ldist, pixscale=args.scale) recon.reconstruct(args.files, subtract_overscan=True) recon.write(args.outfile)